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Protecting Estuaries: In the Water

Seagrass Monitoring


The CHNEP provides support for regional seagrass monitoring efforts, who along with our partners conduct annual seagrass monitoring at 55 sites in 10 watershed including Lemon Bay, Cape Haze/Gasparilla Sound, Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound, Matlacha Pass, San Carlos Bay, Estero Bay and the Tidal Myakka, Peace and Caloosahatchee Rivers. We are also about to launch a Seagrass Gardening Project to restore a seed source for lost grass beds in the Tidal Caloosahatchee River.


Oyster Restoration


CHNEP staff and Citizen Scientists are working with partners to put more oysters in our waters, improving habitat and water quality. To learn more about our work on oyster restoration, click here. 

The Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP) is working directly in Central and Southwest Florida waters to monitor water quality, reduce pollution, and restore aquatic resources such as oysters and seagrasses. Our staff and team of volunteer Citizen Scientists are creating cleaner waterways and better aquatic habitat for swimming, fishing and other water-based recreation and tourism activities.  


Water Quality Monitoring


The CHNEP is a partner in the Coastal Charlotte Harbor Monitoring Network, which collects and analyzes water samples from 60 randomly selected field sites throughout 10 waterbodies each month, including: Lemon Bay, Cape Haze/Gasparilla Sound, Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound, Matlacha Pass, San Carlos Bay, Estero Bay and the Tidal Myakka, Peace and Caloosahatchee Rivers.​​​

CHNEP Volunteers collecting seagrass data.
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