The CHNEP Management Conference Committees
The Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP) is comprised of a "Management Conference", a partnership of public and private entities working together through structured committees.
The Partnership works to protect water and other natural resources in the CHNEP area by building consensus and undertaking a variety of natural resource protection, restoration and education activities that are based on sound science.
By bringing local, state, and federal government representatives together with public stakeholders and community leaders, collaborations and efficiencies emerge to create bigger environmental benefits and outcomes.
Upcoming Management Conference Dates
9/20/24 Policy Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
12/5/24 Technical Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
12/18/24 Citizen's Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
1/10/25 Managment Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
1/23/25 Policy Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
4/10/25 Technical Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Punta Gorda Library)
4/23/25 Citizen's Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
5/9/25 Management Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
5/22/25 Policy Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
8/14/25 Technical Advisory Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
8/20/25 Citizen's Advisory Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
9/5/25 Management Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
9/18/25 Policy Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
12/4/25 Technical Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
12/17/25 Citizen's Advisory Committee Mtg.
(Centennial Park Large Room)
The Policy Review Procedures (adopted 5/31/18) outline the process and types of policy issues that the Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership engages in.
The document also describes the CHNEP Committees respective authorities with regards to policy issues, the summary of the history of CHNEP's involvement in policy, as well as the procedures for raising policy issues for consideration by the CHNEP Management Conference (i.e. the four CHNEP committees).
NOTE: All meetings are open to the public. Information about the meetings is posted on the corresponding Committee page at least a week in advance of the next meeting date.