Horseshoe Crab Watch
Thank you to the 45 wonderful volunteers that joined CHNEP and FWC for our Horseshoe Crab Training & Monitoring Workshop! After an interesting presentation about the species, we learned the protocol for participating in the monitoring program and practiced our new skills – please e-mail to learn more or join the program!
CHNEP volunteers attended a Horseshoe Crab Watch training workshop with FWC biologists. Horseshoe crabs can be seen on beaches all over Florida in the fall and spring during high tide events where they come on shore to spawn. Not much is known about horseshoe crab populations in Florida, so scientists rely on reports from local citizens and their help tracking, measuring, weighing, and even tagging these fascinating local animals. We are establishing a new horseshoe crab survey site in Charlotte County and we want your help! If you were unable to attend today's event but are still interested in taking part in the Fall 2019 Survey please contact CHNEP Outreach Associate Sierra Moen at Participants learned how to conduct surveys, collect scientific information, and tag horseshoe crabs for a nation-wide mark recapture study. Thank you to all who attended and to FWC staff for a great training and informative presentation. We look forward to participating in the Fall 2019 Survey with you all!