Florida Sea Grant Funding Opportunity for FY 2022
Call for FY 2022-2024 Applied Science Projects
Deadline for LOI: February 15, 2021 (3:00 PM EST)
Deadline for Full Proposals: June 4, 2021 (3:00 PM EDT)
A document is provided by Florida Sea Grant from January 13 to June 4, 2021 at http://www.flseagrant.org/funding/
Size of Grant Award:
The maximum 2-year award that Florida Sea Grant will provide is $200,000 (a maximum of $100,000 each budget year). For each Sea Grant dollar, a 50% matching fund commitment is required for the amount requested (if you request $200,000 of federal dollars you must provide $100,000 of non-federal match). The match must be made in each year. Externally sponsored projects are ineligible to serve as match.
Since Florida Sea Grant is hosted by the University of Florida, all awards to non-UF employees are subject to indirect costs as a sub-award to another institution; as such, the first $25,000 are subject to the on campus research rate of 52.5% - $13,125 in IDC total. Therefore, the budgets of non-UF PIs are capped at $186,875 inclusive of the submitting organizations own indirect costs.
January 13 Call for Science Projects Release Date
February 15 Letters of Intent Due by 3 PM EST
April 21 Investigators Notified of Results of LOI Review
May 5 Investigators Notify Florida Sea Grant with Intention to Submit Full Proposals
June 4 Full Proposals Due by 3 PM EDT
August 13 Investigators Notified if Full Proposal Successful
September 3 Principal Investigator Written Response to External Reviews Due (if applicable)
New projects start. The date when funds are released depends on when they are provided to Florida Sea Grant by NOAA, and this in turn depends on Federal appropriations.
This document describes the process to apply for Florida Sea Grant funding for two-year applied and actionable science projects beginning in Spring 2022. It provides an overview of the Florida Sea Grant proposal eligibility requirements, defines priority areas and interventions, presents guidelines for the preparation of Letters of Intent (LOI) and Full Proposals and describes the review criteria.
To have your LOI and Full Proposal considered in the review process, all of the following criteria must be met, with no exceptions:
1. LOI’s and Full Proposals must adhere to guidelines and requirements in Section A. Funding and Proposal Information, including the deadlines for submission of all materials using the online system. Note that late submissions, for any reason, will be rejected and that full proposals will only be accepted from PI’s who submit an LOI.
2. The topic of the proposed project must align with apriority issue and intervention type identified in section B. Priority Issues and Interventions.
3. LOIs and Full Proposals must be formatted and submitted according to the instructions in Section C. Letter of Intent and Full Proposal Narrative Guidelines, including attachment of all investigator biographical data sheets and required forms.
4. LOIs and Full Proposals must meet Applied and Actionable Science Standards, which emphasize the application, results and benefits of the project according to the following criteria:
a. Applied Science Standard:
- Meeting the needs of end-users, who are actively engaged in the development of the LOI, the full proposal, the execution of the project, and in applying and evaluating the results and benefits of the project.
b. Actionable Science Standards:
- Developing a new and/or applying existing science-based framework with outreach to address a priority issue through an intervention as described in Section B: Priority Issues and Interventions.
- Developing and applying a framework for quantifying and reporting the economic, societal and/or environmental benefits, accomplishments or impacts accrued from the project from the perspective of end-users.