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Gulf Coast Conservation Grants Program 2018 Request for Proposals

Aerial view of Southeast US

The Gulf Coast Conservation Grants Program (GCCGP) seeks to build and maintain the resilience of the Gulf Coast’s ecosystems, living resources and communities by supporting critical gaps in conservation and catalyzing conservation solutions that can be taken to scale. It is a competitive grants program that supports priority conservation needs of the Gulf Coast that are not otherwise expected to be funded under NFWF’s Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund or other funding opportunities associated with the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

In 2018, the GCCGP seeks proposals with a focus on strengthening coastal resilience; advancing conservation and management on working lands for wildlife and water quality; and conserving living resources, in particular coastal birds.

Up to $1 million in funding is available and individual grant awards range typically between $50,000 and $250,000.

The GCCGP is made available with funding provided by the Shell Marine & Wildlife Habitat Program, Southern Company’s Power of Flight Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service​ (NRCS) and other sources.

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