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DeSoto County CVA

CHNEP is providing funding toward the DeSoto County Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) to enhance community resiliency in DeSoto County.


CHNEP and partners will be developing the Adaptation Action Areas (AAA) component of the DeSoto County Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment. This includes identifying priority AAAs as well as assessing added vulnerabilities and risks as they pertain to socially vulnerable and underserved populations (i.e., increased extreme rainfall, increased temperatures, increased extreme storm and wind events, etc.) Qualifiers for underserved populations will be consistent with the CHNEP Equity Strategy and overall work will be consistent with the Florida Adaptation Planning Guidebook.

Adaptation Action Area flowchart

Developing the Vulnerability Assessment

An inventory will be taken of critical County and community assets including health care facilities, government buildings and libraries/community centers, schools, water/wastewater facilities, public safety facilities (police, fire, etc.), energy facilities, parks and natural areas, as well as roads and evacuation routes. The most up to date information on current and future rainfall flooding will be used to project potential impacts to those critical assets from future storms and other events. The projected level of impact to these critical community assets will help the County prioritize critical action areas and plan projects to protect them. The final CVA report will include maps of critical assets, providing the necessary foundation for the County and its partners to identify funding needs and to implement projects that reduce risks to critical county infrastructure and facilities. This will enhance DeSoto County’s resiliency to be less flooded and impacted by future severe storms and extreme rainfall events.

Adaptation Action Area (AAA) Plans

Input will be gathered from County and municipal staff, Community Organizations, and Public in underserved areas within DeSoto County to inform the Adaptation Action Area (AAA) Plans. AAAs will be identified and prioritized based on the critical assets identified, exposure and sensitivity analysis, flood modeling, results of public meetings, input from the County, and guidelines from the Florida AAAs Planning Guidebook. Specific adaptation strategies and projects will be identified for the top three priority AAAs to address the climate threats identified in the County’s Vulnerability Assessment. These adaptation strategies can include protection, accommodation, relocation, and avoidance. The proposed projects will consider 1) Recommended Infrastructure Improvements (physical grey and green infrastructure with a focus on nature-based solutions), (2) Recommended Building Codes and Standards, (3) Resiliency Hub Needs (shelter in place, food, water, energy, communications, etc.), and (4) Funding and Financing needs (i.e. estimated costs for implementation of each recommended strategy, project) for implementation in order to enhance DeSoto County’s resiliency.


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DeSoto CVA factsheet preview


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