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New State Funding Opportunity!


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that $633 million in first-of-its-kind funding would be available to the state of Florida for disaster mitigation projects in areas impacted by presidentially declared disasters in 2016 and 2017, which includes the CHNEP area. These funds are available through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) program and will be used to fund disaster mitigation programs to better protect Florida from future disasters.

Right now, FDEO is seeking applications for funding of projects - especially large-scale multi-jurisdictional projects such as that involve better stormwater management/ flood mitigation, coastal renourishment / living shorelines, hydrological restoration, etc.). The awarded entity will become a subrecipient and have to adhere to both state and federal procurement standards in utilizing awarded funds.


Round 1 of funding ($150M) is currently underway, with funds expected to be awarded by end of 2020/early 2021 or projects to be completed in time frame up to 12 years allowed. The CHNEP can be the applicant or co-applicant, so we are asking entities in the CHNEP to let us know if they are interested in pursuing this funding as soon as possible in order for us to assist and support your request. 


Applications are being accepted now through September 14, 2020 at 5 pm. They must describe the project being proposed and address how and why it mitigates risks to threats identified in the Florida Action Plan's Risk-Based Mitigation Needs Assessment. Plans must include a proposed budget with anticipated costs, including program management and administration. Application Form, Check-list & Instructions, Templates and Sample Completed Application available in Appendices A-G of the GuidelinesTo view PowerPoint slides from a recent FDEO presentation on this, click HERE.

CHNEP is submitting an application for CDBG-MIT funds for the Tiki Point Living Shoreline Pilot Project. Please review the proposal and design plans and submit any public comments below. Comments will be accepted through September 12th, 2020. This project will also be presented to the CHNEP Management Committee on Sept. 11, 2020 for discussion and comments as well. All CHNEP Committee meetings are open to the public.  

Public Comment

Additionally, if you need funding for planning to identify and design projects (such as a septic to sewer conversion planning study for example), FDEO has also opened up a separate Rebuild Florida General Planning Support Program. With $20 million in Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funding, the Rebuild Florida General Planning Support Program is designed to provide funding opportunities to units of general local government (UGLG), educational institutions, state agencies, and non-profits for the purpose of developing and updating state, regional and local plans. The deadline to submit applications for this pot of funding is July 31, 2020, 5:00 p.m. EST. Please let CHNEP know if you are interested in applying so we can assist and support your request.

We hope you take advantage of this great opportunity for funding in natural and man-made infrastructure projects that enhance community resiliency in the CHNEP area!

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